Epidermodisplasia Verrucif orme (Lewandowsky y Lutz, 1922)


  • Luis Alfredo Rueda Plata Asociación Colombiana de Dermatología




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How to Cite

Rueda Plata LA. Epidermodisplasia Verrucif orme (Lewandowsky y Lutz, 1922). rev. asoc. colomb. dermatol. cir. dematol. [Internet]. 1999 Nov. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];7(3):180-7. Available from: https://revista.asocolderma.org.co/index.php/asocolderma/article/view/780


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How to Cite

Rueda Plata LA. Epidermodisplasia Verrucif orme (Lewandowsky y Lutz, 1922). rev. asoc. colomb. dermatol. cir. dematol. [Internet]. 1999 Nov. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];7(3):180-7. Available from: https://revista.asocolderma.org.co/index.php/asocolderma/article/view/780



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