Code of ethics

Journal of the Colombian Association of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery


Ethical guidelines for publication


The Journal of the Colombian Association of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery follows the ethical principles it discloses and is constantly striving to provide the reader with a scientific journal of the highest quality. The instructions for authors allow submitting papers in accordance with the editorial requirements, and the decision to publish an article is based on the relevance of the paper to the field of dermatology, as well as on its originality, accuracy, and clarity. These ethical recommendations are intended to protect the process of preparation, submission, evaluation, and publication of articles from inappropriate conduct that violates the principles and guidelines of ethics and good practices that should guide scientific publications. They also aim to ensure the credibility that the Journal currently enjoys and ratify the adherence of the editorial team and the Colombian Association of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery to ethical principles and to international standards set by the World Medical Association (WMA) and other organizations such as the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), whose guidelines ensure the application of ethical principles to scientific research and the publication of such research results.


The papers submitted must comply with the standards of the ethics committee in charge of supervising research studies at the institution where the study was carried out, and those stated in the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, modified in Seoul, Korea, in 2008 (, as well as those contained in Resolution 8430 of 1993 of the Colombian Ministry of Health and in Resolution 2378 of 2008 of the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection. The approval of the institutional research ethics committee must be attached to the manuscript.




  • The author submitting a manuscript for publication must ensure that the paper is original and that he/she has the consent and approval of the other authors for submission and publication.
  • The manuscript must not have been previously published in other journals, either totally or partially, nor simultaneously submitted to another journal.
  • The manuscript must observe the confidentiality of the information and, in the case of original research works, indicate that it has been approved by a duly constituted research ethics committee.
  • Authors must declare that they obtained the informed consent from the patient, or their legal guardian in the case of children or subjects with intellectual disabilities, for the publication of the case and its photographs, which must protect the patient’s anonymity and confidentiality.
  • An author is the person who has made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution to the conceptualization, planning, interpretation of the results, writing of the manuscript, and approval of the version submitted for publication. Anyone who does not meet the contribution requirements may be included in the acknowledgement section.
  • The sources reviewed must be clearly cited in accordance with the technical standards adopted by the Journal. Anti-fraud policies and good publication practices stipulate that fragments of previously published works by other authors (plagiarism) or the author him/herself (self-plagiarism) must not be duplicated. If malpractice is detected, the paper will be rejected; in case of identifying plagiarism in an already published article, it will be removed from the electronic journal.
  • Figures and tables must be original contributions of the authors. Otherwise, it is necessary to have the corresponding permission for adaptation or reproduction, in case they are taken from the literature.
  • All data included in the manuscript that come from previous works must have a reference, including those that come from other works by the same authors.
  • The authors confirm the veracity of the data presented and support the results and conclusions.
  • The manuscript should not omit relevant citations from previous original research related to the topic, nor cite articles that were not reviewed.
  • When citing the same author (or authors) several times from the same source, it should be clear in the reference list that the citation comes from the same publication.
  • The citation of secondary sources, or “indirect citation”, should be used sparingly and mainly when it is not possible to access the original text.
  • It is unethical to cite for complacency, also known as exchange citations, as a result of agreements for reciprocal citation. All citations must be well justified and based on quality and scientific relevance.
  • Plagiarism, that is, copying the approaches, procedures or results of other authors and presenting them as one's own, is an ethical misconduct and a violation of the intellectual property of the original author or researcher.
  • Self-plagiarism refers to the copying of fragments or paraphrasing of articles previously published by the authors without the corresponding citation. Citing previous works of the authors is valid, as long as the reference is duly attached.
  • References must be complete. Inaccurate citations reflect that a bibliography that is supposed to have been reviewed may not have been read.
  • It is unethical to translate texts from publications in other languages and present them as one's own. The translation can be done, but it should be accompanied by the respective citation, giving credit to the author of the statement or translated text. The use of complete fragments is not valid.

Intellectual Property

Authors must respect the intellectual property of the material used in their research and communication. They should follow the basic reference guidelines adopted by the journal in its publication guidelines to indicate to the reader the origin of the material used, whether it is textual quotations, graphics, images, codes or any other element relevant to reference the property of the author.

Complaints, appeals and corrections

Any complaints, appeals, accusations of misconduct or discussions and corrections before, during or after publication should be sent electronically to the following e-mail address:

Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Dermatología y Cirugía Dermatológica follows the COPE guidelines for the management of misconduct in research and publication. Among the guiding documents are: Retraction guidelines and Sharing of information among editors-in-chief regarding possible misconduct.

Data and reproducibility

Data management is fundamental in research and communication practices in the contemporary world. Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Dermatología y Cirugía Dermatológica urges ethical and clear practices for the collection of data that constitute the research corpus. Likewise, consent and adequate information is a requirement when collecting data on human behavior.

Finally, it is urged that research should clearly detail the dataset used, the consent and collection model implemented, and, as far as possible, provide technical guidelines as to where the dataset is housed and the possibilities or guidelines for its reproduction in other research.