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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author who submits a manuscript for publication must ensure that the work is original and that it has the consent and approval of the other authors for submission and publication.
  • The manuscript must be unpublished, that is, it has not been published in other journals. Nor must it have been submitted at the same time to another magazine.
  • The manuscript respects the confidentiality of the information and in the case of research, attests that it was approved by a duly formed Research Ethics Committee. The Journal reserves the right to request the approval document from the Research Ethics Committee. The Revista HISPANO AMERICANA DE DERMATOLOGY PEDIATRICA reserves the right to request the approval document from the Research Ethics Committee.
  • The authors must declare that they have freely obtained the informed consent of the patient or their legal representative, in the case of minors or subjects with intellectual disabilities, for the publication of the case and its photographs. In addition to consent, for minors with the capacity to understand the information (applies from 8 years to the age of majority), their informed assent must be obtained.
  • In the letter of presentation of the manuscripts, the authors must declare that they have the informed consent of the patients and the endorsement of the institutional ethics committee and send it to the Journal, when required.
  • The manuscript respects copyright and guarantees the inclusion of all authors. Likewise, it is guaranteed that anyone who does not meet the authorship criteria has not been included.
  • An author is one who has made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution in the conceptualization and planning, in the interpretation of the results, in the writing of the manuscript and in the approval of the version submitted for publication.
  • The sources used must be cited clearly and taking into account the technical standards adopted by the Journal. Anti-fraud and good publishing practices policies include that fragments of other published works should not be copied, nor from other authors (plagiarism), or from the same author (self-plagiarism); If bad practice is detected, the work will be rejected; If plagiarism is identified in an already published article, it will be removed from the Electronic Journal.
  • Figures and tables must be original to the authors or have permission for adaptation or reproduction, if they are taken from the literature.
  • All data included in the manuscript that come from previous works must have a reference, including those that come from the same authors.
  • The authors confirm the veracity of the data presented and support the results and conclusions.
  • When the same author (or authors) from the same source is cited several times, it must be clear in the reference list that it is from the same publication.
  • The manuscript must not omit relevant quotes from previous original research related to the topic, nor cite articles that were not consulted.
  • Citation of secondary sources, or citation citation, should be used sparingly and primarily when it is not possible to access the original text.
  • It is a breach of ethics to cite for complacency, called exchange citations, the result of agreements for reciprocal citation. All citations must be well justified and based on quality and scientific relevance.
  • Self-plagiarism is the copying of fragments or paraphrasing of articles previously published by the authors, without the respective citation. Citing previous works of the authors is valid, as long as the reference is properly attached.
  • References must be complete. Inaccurate citations reflect the possible non-reading of a bibliography that is supposed to have been consulted.
  • It is unethical to translate texts from publications in other languages and present them as your own. The translation can be made, but accompanied by the respective citation, which gives credit to the author of the translated statement or text. The use of complete fragments is not valid.
  • Plagiarism, that is, copying the approaches, procedures or results of other authors presenting them as your own, is an ethical offense and is a violation of the intellectual property of the original author or researcher.

Author Guidelines

Author fees

Revista HISPANO AMERICANA DE DERMATOLOGIA does not make any kind of economic charge for receiving, processing and/or publishing the articles that are submitted.

Copyright and publication rights

Authors(s) who publish in the journal HISPANO AMERICANA DE DERMATOLOGIA accept the following conditions:

The authors retain the moral and patrimonial rights of their works, giving only to Revista HISPANO AMERICANA DE DERMATOLOGIA PEDIATRICA the right to the first publication of this. As a result, authors may make other independent and additional contractual arrangements for the distribution of the article or text.

All texts published by Revista HISPANO AMERICANA DE DERMATOLOGIA PEDIATRICA -without exception- are distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license; therefore, this work can be copied and redistributed in any medium or format, having to recognize the names of the authors and the journal. It is allowed to cite, adapt, transform, self-archive, republish and create from the material, for any purpose (except commercial), provided that authorship is properly recognized, provide a link to the original work and indicate whether changes have been made using the same distribution license.


Presentation of the work

The works must be sent together with a cover letter that includes the title of the work and the type of manuscript, in which publication is requested, with a declaration that the article is original and unpublished. Likewise, to state that all authors have participated in the elaboration, read and approved the content of the work and in the case of Colombian authors, who have CvLAC (COLCIENCIAS' resume). The authors must declare that they know the ethical considerations of the Journal and have the informed consent of the patient and the endorsement of the institution where the work was performed.

People who participate and do not meet these requirements can be included in acknowledgments.   This or part of it has not been previously published or sent to another site for publication;  which was conducted under the above-mentioned ethical rules, and which transferred the copyright (copyright to the journal).  In the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Committee, there may be exceptions to accept previously published material (tables or figures), in which case the permission of the publication holding the right of reproduction must be attached.  The author must bring forward the necessary procedures for obtaining such permits.  In case some of the results of the work have been disclosed at a scientific event should be informed to the editor in the cover letter. 

The journal does not accept the inclusion or removal of authors after having started the editorial process of the manuscripts. 

Standardization of identification of authors

For purposes of being cited uniformly in the different scientific indexes, it is suggested that authors adopt a pen name, that is, the same for all their publications. A single surname is recommended for the Journal; when the author prefers to use the two surnames, these must be separated by a script (e.g., for Mateo Restrepo Jaramillo, Restrepo-Jaramillo M is cited).

All authors must have the identification number ORCID (open researcher and contributor ID), which is obtained on the page:

Article submission

To submit manuscripts to the Journal, they must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by all authors (cover letter format).

To send your contributions you must start with the process in the REGISTER link.

Manuscripts should be written on letter-sized, double-spaced, 12-point Arial; tables and figures should not be included within the text, they should go to the end of this, after the references. The magazine has Spanish as its official language, although it can accept collaborations in English.

The first page should include the following:

  • Title of the work in Spanish.
  • Title of the work in English.

The title should always be informative and precise, presenting a clear understanding of the purpose of the clinical case, without abbreviations or technicalities (describe the most interesting phenomenon such as symptom, diagnosis, test, intervention). To ensure that it is less than 15 words, it is essential to include "case report" or "case report" to allow the identification of the type of work. If it is more than one case or report, it is necessary to specify the number

  • Short title for page headings.
  • First surname and full names of the authors.

MAIN AUTHOR corresponds to who proposes, collects the relevant information and describes the case. It is appropriate that it meets the criteria established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Publishers, mainly in: 1) Have contributed considerably in the conception, design, acquisition of data, analysis or interpretation. 2) Have drafted the work or reviewed it critically provided its final approval. If you use this report for certification, the resident physician should be the author of the report

  • CO-AUTHORS: It is up to those who participate in the description of the case, or provide conclusive information for their report, it is advisable that no more than two co-authors are incorporated, unless the report merits it, and which will be evaluated 
  • ORCID number of each author.
  • Position and academic category thereof.
  • Name of the institution where the work was done: It concerns the full name of the institution and the area (Division, service, department) where the publication proposal originated, and to which the author belongs
  • Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the author responsible for the correspondence.
  • Sources of funding, equipment, drugs or all of these.
  • Word count of the text, excluding summary, acknowledgements, captions and references, and summary word count. The maximum acceptable length for research, review and reflection articles is 3500 words excluding abstract, references, tables and figures.
  • Number of figures and tables.  The inclusion of images should be limited to the most representative of what is to be disseminated.. 

On the second page should appear 

ABSTRACT in Spanish and its translation into English: It should not exceed 250 words, and corresponds to a brief description of the clinical situation.  The wording should be understandable and should not contain bibliographical citations or abbreviations.  To be specific you must answer the question What does the publication bring back? 

 KEYWORDS: in both languages;  Point out 2 to 5 words for the purpose of helping potential readers search and find this case report.  It is recommended to use the terms used in the Index Medicus, or the medical qualifiers (Medical SubHeadings - MeSH), Include them in both Spanish and English

ABBREVIATIONS: The use of abbreviations that are not universally recognized but are coined by the authors should be avoided.  Abbreviations should be specified before use.  The caption should clearly refer to what you intend to show in the image.  Generic drug names should always be used.  If a trade mark is included, it may be cited only once, in brackets, after its first mention.  Any measure must be expressed according to the international system of units.  References should be identified in the text with Arabic numerals in parentheses, in their order of appearance.

INTRODUCTION Briefly summarize: 1) Background of the case with reference to the relevant medical literature 2) Patient information, which must correspond mainly to age, sex, place of birth, place of residence. If deemed necessary and relevant to the case include ethnicity, occupation, schooling, or other information (Bear in mind the need for the application of consent and privacy notice for the responsible use of this information) 3) Main patient symptoms (major discomfort); and medical, family and psychosocial history (if relevant), including diet, lifestyle and genetic information where possible, as well as details of relevant concomitant diseases, including previous interventions and their outcomes

.CLINICAL FINDINGS Describe clearly and accurately: 1) Relevant physical examination findings (PS) 2) Important dates and times in this case (table or figure) 3) Diagnostic review. Provide a review of: diagnostic methods (imaging studies, histopathological study reports, etc.) 4) Diagnostic problems (economic, linguistic/cultural) 5) Diagnostic reasoning, including presumptive diagnostics 6) Prognostic characteristics (stadiums) where applicable.

.THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION Describe: 1  )Type or types of intervention (pharmacological, surgical, preventive, self-care) 2) Administration of the intervention (dose, concentration, duration)  3)Any change in the intervention (with justification)

MONITORING AND RESULTS Summarise the progress of all follow-up visits, including: Results evaluated by the physician and the patient 2) Important results of the follow-up test 3) Observation and tolerability of the intervention answering the question: how was it evaluated? (not including) 4) Adverse and unforeseen events.

DISCUSSION Describe: 1) Strengths and limitations of this case report 2) Relevant medical literature 3) Justification of conclusions 4) Main lessons to be learned from the case report (or cases) 5) Patient perspective or experience whenever possible.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE The sequential list of references must also be written in double space, and must appear on a new page at the end of the text.  The manner of citation should conform to the standard requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication in biomedical journals, or Vancouver standards (  The abbreviation of journal titles should be as it appears in the list of journals indexed in the Index Medicus, which can be obtained in

It is recommended that they be current, at least five years prior to the preparation of the document (consider exceptions in respect of basic articles or guidelines). It is suggested not to use more than 15 references. It is essential to refer to the format in which it integrates the bibliographic references according to the journal selected to send this report (incorporate reference by region).

For review articles, it is recommended that at least 70% of references are from original articles, and 10% must be from the last 5 years.

Personal communications do not constitute a recognized bibliographic reference, nor are conference summaries; if necessary, they should appear in parentheses in the text. 

To the references should be added the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), in order to enable readers their identification and direct access.

Examples of references

List the first six authors followed by et al.

  • Journal articles: Title of the article.  International abbreviation of the journal.  Year;  volume: initial and final page of the article.  DOI
  • Books: Title of the book.  Number of the edition.  Place of publication: editorial;  year.
  • Book chapters: Authors of the chapter Chapter title.  In: Editors of the book.  Title of the book.  Number of the edition.  Place of publication: editorial;  year;  the opening and closing pages of the chapter.
  • Electronic medium: Title [web site]. Place of publication: publisher;  date of publication.  Date of consultation.  URL electrónica exacta.

Illustrations and pictures

Each of the illustrations and tables should be sent in an additional file to the text of the article. They are supplementary and not duplicative of what is said in the text. Each item can carry a reasonable number of photos; for case reports, the maximum is three. The number of photos can be increased when the didactic characteristics of the article merit it, in the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Committee. 


The photographs must be sent in a file attached to the article, preferably in TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format);  the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format does not allow an optimal impression since it is a compressed file in which an indeterminate number of pixels have been removed to achieve its compression.  If the photo is color should be sent in high resolution, ie at least 300 dpi (dots per inch);  if black and white, the optimal resolution for printing is 600 dpi.

They must be numbered with Arabic numerals, have a short title and be self-explanatory. Histopathology photographs should indicate the type of staining and magnification at which the image was photographed. Always with the patient’s eyes covered in order to protect their identity.

If they have been previously published, the complete and exact reference of the site on which it was published must be noted and attached the written permission of the publication that holds the right of reproduction (copyright).

Graphs and tables should be sent in their source files (Excel, Power Point) and not sent scanned as it prevents their correction and proper diagramming. Like figures, they should be numbered, cited in the text and should have an illustrative legend and be explanatory; the units used for the different variables listed should also appear.

Cultural column “ARS AD LIBITUM” ART AT WILL

Sección dirigida,  seleccionada  y escrita por  el  Dr. JUAN JAIME  ATUESTA  Médico Dermatólogo, destacado docente y Académico quien  en cada edición, aportará  un enriquecedor y divertido espacio  de interés general, en el que podrán  participar  todos los  médicos  de la  especialidad  quienes quieran expresar  sus  habilidades extra medicina y compartirlas con  todo el público  que tenga acceso a la  revista.

Letter to the editor

Son los comentarios, opiniones o informaciones relacionados con publicaciones previas e inquietudes sobre la Revista HIPANOAMERICANA DE  DERMATOLOGIA PEDIÁTRICA. La correspondencia publicada puede ser editada por razones de extensión, corrección gramatical o de estilo, y de ello se informará al autor antes de su publicación.


Presenta un análisis detallado de un tema científico o gremial. Está a cargo del Editor Jefe de la Revista o su invitado. Los autores del editorial son seleccionados por su liderazgo y autoridad en el tema a tratar. 

Make the diagnosis yourself. Part 1

Esta sección tiene el propósito de estimular la habilidad diagnóstica de los lectores. Tiene dos partes, la primera hace la presentación del caso utilizando fotográfías clínicas o imágenes histológicas; la segunda aparece al final de la revista y revela el diagnóstico con un comentario sobre la entidad correspondiente.

Al igual que en los reportes de caso, los autores deben seguir todas las directrices éticas de la Revista. 

Review article

Es un trabajo de actualización sobre un campo particular de la Dermatología; se caracteriza por presentar una revisión bibliográfica amplia y detallada. Se sugiere no incluir más de setenta referencias.  Debe contar con un resumen estructurado de máximo 250 palabras, en español e inglés, y se deben indicar entre 3 y 12 palabras clave en español, que estén incluidas en los Descriptores de Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) (, y en inglés, que aparezcan en el listado del Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ( Se recomienda que estas palabras incluyan también algunas que no estén en el título. Se deben indicar el tipo de revisión (sistemática o narrativa), y la metodología, a cual incluye cuáles fueron las estrategias de búsqueda, las bases de datos, las palabras claves y los periodos de tiempo en el cual se hizo la revisión.

Reflection article

Es un manuscrito que presenta resultados de investigación desde una perspectiva analítica, interpretativa o crítica del autor, sobre un tema específico, recurriendo a fuentes originales. El resumen, en español y en inglés, no debe ser de más de 150 palabras. Se deben indicar de tres a doce palabras clave en español y en inglés que estén incluidas en los Descriptores de Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) (, y en inglés, que aparezcan en el listado del Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) (

Case report

Publicación biomédica corta y precisa que describe la experiencia clínica de un caso anecdótico o no esperado, organizado de manera ordenada, sistemática, en la que se resalta y analiza la importancia de su comunicación, que puede sustentar el abordaje de un paciente con la misma patología en un futuro cuando sea la única o la más pertinente evidencia disponible.  Es indispensable que identifique a qué tipo de reporte corresponde en base a:

DIAGNOSTICO O REVISIÓN: Se discute acerca del abordaje o métodos utilizados para evaluar a un paciente. Principalmente cuando existe una problemática para establecer el diagnóstico (presentación clínica confusa, poco común, o poco frecuente) hallazgos y variaciones. Esto incluye: condición o enfermedad nueva, condición rara, infrecuente y poco comunicada, presentación inusual de una enfermedad común, síntomas o signos infrecuentes, evolución inusual o evento inesperado en el curso de una observación o tratamiento, impacto de una enfermedad en la evolución de otra

TRATAMIENTO O MANEJO: Se detalla los tratamientos o procedimientos utilizados, que pueden implicar intervenciones multidisciplinarias y variaciones de técnicas ya establecidas. Esto puede corresponder también a: impacto del tratamiento de una condición en otra, complicaciones inesperadas de procedimientos o tratamientos (efectos colaterales no descritos), tratamientos o procedimientos diagnósticos nuevos y “únicos”

Artículo de investigación

Debe ser un trabajo original derivado de una investigación que contribuya a construir conocimiento científico, al registrar información relevante sobre nuevos datos disponibles. Debe contener las siguientes secciones: introducción, materiales y métodos, resultados, discusión y referencias. Debe contar con un resumen estructurado de máximo 250 palabras, en español e inglés, y se deben indicar entre 3 y 12 palabras clave en español, que estén incluidas en los Descriptores de Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) (, y en inglés, que aparezcan en el listado del Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ( Se recomienda que estas palabras incluyan también algunas que no estén en el título.

Los trabajos presentados deben haber observado las normas éticas del Comité de Ética encargado de supervisar los estudios de investigación de la institución en donde se realizó el estudio, además de acatar los enunciados de la Declaración de Helsinki de 1975, modificada en Fortaleza (Brasil), en 2013 y los contenidos en la Resolución 8430 de 1993 del Ministerio de Salud y en la Resolución 2378 de 2008 del Ministerio de la Protección Social. Consultar directrices éticas detalladas.

Dermatología gráfica y dermatología en imágenes

Dermatología gráfica es la sección para publicar infografías, las cuales combinan gráficas, textos e imágenes, para presentar un mensaje ilustrativo y de fácil comprensión, en relación con la especialidad. Deben ser originales e inéditas. Dermatología en imágenes para fotografías clínicas características o de resultados de pruebas diagnósticas (histopatología, cultivos microbiológicos, radiología, entre otros), en cumplimento de los lineamientos éticos de la Revista.

Noticias y eventos

En esta sección puede publicarse información gremial, eventos académicos y resúmenes de los mismos. De igual manera, la presentación de libros y material educativo y científico de la Asociación Colombiana de Dermatología Pediátrica y la Sociedad Colo,biana de Dermatología. Para publicar en esta selección debe presentarse solicitud ante el Editor Jefe y el Comité Editorial, quienes analizarán su pertinencia.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in this journal.

HISPANIC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY collects personal information to compile statistics both when you publish, register or visit the site.

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