Update on the clinical spectrum of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the pediatric population: a practical approach



Cutaneous leishmaniasis, pediatrics, leishmaniasis, clinical diagnosis


Introduction: Leishmaniasis is a chronic infectious disease transmitted by vectors, caused by more than 20 species of the Leishmania genus, affecting the skin, mucous membranes, and viscera, with a highly variable clinical spectrum in the pediatric population [1]. It is considered an endemic disease in several countries, including Colombia. The presentation of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in this population has been described in various studies worldwide, but none propose a practical approach for Colombia.

Methods: A search was conducted on PubMed MEDLINE for narrative reviews, case reports, case series, systematic reviews, and cross-sectional studies describing the clinical-epidemiological profiles of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the pediatric population.

Results: Twenty-three articles on cutaneous leishmaniasis in the pediatric and adolescent population were collected, where it was evidenced that the most common age of presentation is between 6 to 13 years. The most prevalent clinical manifestation is ulcerated nodules, followed by ulcerated plaques predominantly located on the face.

Conclusions: Leishmaniasis is a disease that is increasingly common in the pediatric and adolescent population. Additionally, the clinical spectrum of the disease is very broad, which makes its diagnosis difficult, hence the importance of understanding it to make an early diagnosis and provide timely treatment. Additionally, there are no case series of patients diagnosed with cutaneous leishmaniasis in the pediatric population in our country, which hinders clinical and epidemiological characterization in this age group.

Author Biographies

Sergio Castillo Pinto, Médico residente de dermatología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Médico residente de dermatología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Paola Estefania Falla, Médico residente dermatología, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas

Médico residente dermatología, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas

Claudia Marcela Arenas, Centro Dermatológico Federico Lleras Acosta

Miembro correspondiente- Academia Nacional de Medicina 

Dermatóloga- Especialista en Docencia Universitaria. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Maestría Internacional en Medicina Estética. Escuela Clínica y de Ciencias de la Salud (Asociada a la confederación española de Entidades de Formación CECAP)

MBA en Finanzas, Coaching y Liderazgo. Broward International University (BIU)

Principios y práctica de la investigación clínica (PPCR). Universidad de Harvard T.H. Escuela de Salud Pública.

Diplomado en Inteligencia Artificial en Salud. Universidad de la Sabana. 

Diplomado Medicina integrativa y bases homeopáticas con énfasis en homotoxicología. Universidad Javeriana 

Presidente Asociación Colombiana de Dermatología (AsocolDerma) 

Delegado en Colombia de CILAD (Colegio Ibero latinoamericano de Dermatología)

Investigador Junior y Par evaluador de Colciencias





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