Principles of psoriasis and therapeutic approach in pregnancy: literature review


  • Daniel Barquero-Orias
  • María Camila Martínez-Franco



Psoriasis, Pregnancy, Therapeutics, Treatment outcome


Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatologic diseases affecting female patients with childbearing po­tential, pregnancy and during the postpartum period. Its manifestations are categorized by type of lesion, extension, severity, systemic compromise, and quality of life affection. Pregnancy is a state full of physio­logic changes in which the psoriasis course is uncertain because it can resolve or diminish and in others exacerbate requiring pharmacological therapy.

This article will explain the possible etiologies, pathophysiology, different morphology types, diagnosis, treatment and possible complications for the mother and the fetus. One of the pregnancy goals is to accom­plish the maternal-fetal unit safety, based on the classification of the FDA measuring the benefit or risk and developing a useful guide for clinical practice.

Author Biographies

Daniel Barquero-Orias

Médico General, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Costa Rica.

María Camila Martínez-Franco

Médico General, Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá D.C, Colombia. ORCID


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How to Cite

Barquero-Orias D, Martínez-Franco MC. Principles of psoriasis and therapeutic approach in pregnancy: literature review. rev. asoc. colomb. dermatol. cir. dematol. [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];28(2):148-63. Available from:


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How to Cite

Barquero-Orias D, Martínez-Franco MC. Principles of psoriasis and therapeutic approach in pregnancy: literature review. rev. asoc. colomb. dermatol. cir. dematol. [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];28(2):148-63. Available from:



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